Sounds Montessori Programs

Toddler (2 yr old)

  • Learning environment where children work independently or together observing others, exploring freely, express their curiosity and creativity.

  • Areas of development include sensory & perceptual, physical, cognitive, gross motor & fine motor skills, self-care & personal development skills, and social & emotional skills.

  • Use learning materials designed to foster a love for learning, boost confidence, problem solving, improve language skills, social skills.

Pre-K (3-5 yr old)

  • All Classrooms use hands-on Montessori materials focusing on language, mathematics, sensorial, practical life, geography, cultural, and science.

  • Sounds Montessori students are encouraged to pursue their own interests, choose their own activities, develop their concentration abilities, and engage at their own pace in their developing abilities in reason, imagination, and sociability.

Elementary (6-12 yr old)

  • Area of development includes critical thinking, problem solving, social skills, independence, collaboration, time management and organizational skills.

  • Emphasis on reading, writing, comprehension, mathematics, science, practical life, history, language arts, biology, art, culture and music.

  • The Elementary curriculum builds an in-depth study of the world and how it works.

Sounds Montessori writing project